Corporate Social Responsibility year 2021-2022

CSR is a self-regulating business model that helps a company be socially accountable — to itself,
its stakeholders, and the public. By practicing corporate social responsibility, also called corporate citizenship, companies can be
conscious of the kind of impact they are having on all aspects of society including economic, social, and environmental.

C-Edge has joined hands to do as much as possible for the betterment of the rural areas, child education and health care.


Mohan Foundation

“Mohan Foundation” is in to Imparting education and training to the health care professionals so that they can be equipped how to identify as to who can be a potential organ donor. In India, because it is done in few selected hospitals only, the capacity building is lacking hence potential donors are not identified well. So Mohan Foundation train the doctors how to identify a donor. C-Edge Technologies Ltd granted a sum of ₹23,00,000/- and full amount utilized as on March 2023.


Gurudatta Education Society Bamane School – Shahpur

Bamane School is located in Shahpur and is constantly trying to give quality education to the underprivileged and aadivasi children. The bamane school building had collapsed due to heavy rains and hence the school infrastructure had to be renovated. C-Edge Technologies Ltd granted a sum of ₹18,57,470/- and full work completed as on Jan 2023.


Shelter Associates – Thane

Shelter Associates are into “Safe sanitation solution for Urban Poor”. They have succeeded in installing 213 washrooms inside households of Lokmanya Nagar community in Thane west with the help of C-Edge Technologies Ltd. A home toilet isn’t just a necessity, but means to an elevated dignity of life. They did not have access to basic sanitation facilities as they are from low income families. C-Edge Technologies Ltd granted a sum of ₹49,95,495/- and full work completed as on Jan 2023.


Shivaji Vidyalay School – Parel

Shivaji Vidyalay School is located in Kalachowki, Parel. They believe in nurturing children with values close to Indian history. The Shivaji Vidyalay school building’s 4th floor infrastructure needed extensive renovation. They also wanted Solar electrification, washroom renovation, structural repairs and support on reusable sanitary pads. C-Edge Technologies Ltd granted a sum of ₹46,38,480/- and full work completed as on Jan 2023.


Lady of Pillar Trust

Lady of Pillar Trust joined hands with “Stella Cancer Centre” to help renovate the cancer center building. They have terminally ill cancer patients. They provide free of cost service to the cancer patients as well as care of HIV Positive Children – Medical Treatment, education and over all development.
C-Edge Technologies Ltd granted a sum of ₹23,09,698/- and full work completed as on June 2023.


The Association of People with Disability

The Association of People with Disability” is located in Bangalore. They had requested money from C-Edge Technologies Ltd to procure Mobility aids, prosthetics, measurement camps, Fitment & Deliveries etc. C-Edge Technologies Ltd had granted a sum of ₹30,00,000 and they have utilized full amount as on December 2022