Press Release

C-Edge Technologies Statement

3rd Aug 2024

“On the 27th of July, we faced a supply chain attack that compromised specific servers hosting application software of one of our clients. The source of the breach was a connected system of a vendor with access to C-Edge hosted servers.


The C-Edge security framework immediately detected the attack and as per the defined process, the company took immediate steps to isolate the environment where the impacted servers were hosted. This ensured that the attack was limited to the servers that were exposed to the third party. The relevant authorities were immediately notified by the company and few organizations like NPCI took proactive steps to isolate their environment, to prevent any disruption of the financial ecosystem. In this process, certain services such as the payments service interface with NPCI became unavailable to users. C-Edge has since conducted a detailed audit by an external forensics team to vet the whole infrastructure. The company confirms that the cyber-intrusion was limited only to the affected servers and no other hosted environments are at risk. Accordingly, the impacted services have now been restored and everything is working as normal.


We regret the inconvenience caused to the customers of various RRBs & Co-Operative banks and those who bank with them. It is our constant and steadfast effort to maintain robust cyber security practices across all our operations, and this incident demonstrated the resilience of this process, by keeping the whole environment protected. We thank everyone who has contributed to this effort.”